We are proud to announce that our portfolio company Actimo, has been acquired 100% by Kahoot! to create the leading solutions for employee engagement and corporate learning across the globe.

Since 2012, Actimo has successfully revolutionised the way companies communicate with, train and lead their distributed employees. By combining the functionality of corporate communication, training and employee engegement from Actimo’s platform with the learning approach, scale and reach of Kahoot!’s solution, the foundation is there for setting new standards for corporate learning and engagement.

“It’s been fantastic to work alongside Eske and the rest of the team at Actimo over the last 4 four years”, Jan Lehrmann states and continues, “for Actimo this is a fantastic opportunity to take the company to the next level and I am excited to see how the strategic synergies between Actimo and Kahoot! play out over time – I wish them the best of luck!”.

Read the press release from Actimo here

Read the official press release from Kahoot! here