Intern at LoveMondays

Brænder du for iværksætteri og er du sulten på at lære nyt og udvikle dig? Vi søger en praktikant, der med et godt hoved og god energi vil med på rejsen hos LoveMondays og de virksomheder, vi investerer i. Du vil blive en del af et team på 6, der alle har en stor passion […]
Why intern at LoveMondays?

I have always been fascinated with start-ups, what makes them successful, and the associated funding aspects that allow these businesses to scale. Thus, applying for LoveMondays seemed like the ideal opportunity to pursue these passions, as LoveMondays are widely considered one of the front runners within the VC space in the Nordics. At LoveMondays, I […]
Working with our heroes?

Check out our LinkedIn where we are posting our heroes’ job openings! Linkedin